
H2 Refuelling Solutions

In 2050 there will be 1.6 billion vehicles circulating on our planet.

Hellonext Offer

H2 Fuelling Stations

Hellonext provides hydrogen refuelling stations with or without local production, according to 3 distinct typologies:

  • Light vehicles (700 bar);
  • Light and heavy vehicles (350 and 700 bar);
  • Heavy vehicles (350 bar).
Because every scenario is unique, we adapt our supply solutions to the best level of compression and storage for great CAPEX and OPEX optimization.

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Hydrogen Production

For H2 production through electrolyzer, Hellonext provides a complete portfolio of power/capacity, according to the required application.
Our solutions are modular and scale the alkaline electrolyzer technology to daily productions of up to 780 H2 kg/day.

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Refueling Components

Hellonext provides all the components required for your H2 Hydrogen Fuelling Station:

  • Electrolysers
  • Compressors
  • High-pressure hydrogen gas storage tanks
  • Cooling systems
  • Hydrogen dispensers
  • Design, construction and commissioning services for hydrogen fueling stations
  • Installation and Maintenance Services (Multi-Brand)

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Let us guide you towards a greener future.

We offer equipment, integrated solutions, and services for electromobility and hydrogen refuelling. Get in touch today to share your challenges.

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From larger to smaller projects, our experienced team will provide all the guidance for your project success.

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